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How Massage & Chiropractic Work Hand in Hand

woman getting a shoulder massageWhile massage is a terrific way to tame tension, it also promotes rehabilitation and provides pain relief. In addition to offering stress reduction massage, we primarily focus on deep tissue, which can address muscle soreness or injury. Other types of massage therapy available are Ashiatsu foot massage, sports massage, and prenatal/pregnancy massage.

The reason we offer massage at Back Care Plus is that this form of bodywork and chiropractic care complement each other. While chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and how it impacts the nervous system, massage focuses on the 650 muscles of the body. Both massage and chiropractic work harmoniously to help keep the body properly aligned, balanced and functioning at its peak.

What to Expect

You’ll have a consultation with Kay, our highly experienced massage therapist. She will evaluate you and find out what’s brought you in and what your goals are. She can provide a full body massage or address specific areas of concern, such as an extremity.

If you’re an existing patient of Dr. Hoover, he will take you to meet Kay and let her know the problems he thinks need to be focused on.

Benefits of Massage

Massage can:

  • Address edema/swelling that arises from an injury/condition with swelling
  • Speed up the healing process
  • Calm the muscles down that are in spasm
  • Relieve pain

Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the massage sessions?

We offer 30-, 60- and 90-minute sessions. Sometimes a patient will request a 2-hour massage, which we can accommodate.

Should I get a massage before or after my adjustment?

We leave it to patient preference. Most patients like to get a massage before the adjustment and we find that helps them receive a better adjustment. If they ask, we’ll encourage them to get a massage prior to the adjustment.

How often should I get a massage?

Kay can determine the ideal frequency based on your condition and goals.
Experience the benefits of massage therapy. Book an appointment with our massage therapist Kay today!


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